Service and product calculation
Our Workplace Enterprise platform allows you as a service provider to create a portfolio of services and products with standard prices for your customers and then maintain them.

Set customer shopping baskets
Your defined services and products are then bundled with customer-specific prices in a customer shopping cart. Thus, we enable you to serve different customer needs in a targeted manner while standardizing your internal processes. This saves you resources, time and unnecessary staff deployment while providing the best possible customer experience.
Flexible pricing models
Our platform makes it possible to add graduated prices to products. Here, any number of scales can be defined and recorded. It is also possible to create products that are either billed once or can be purchased on a monthly basis, such as licenses.

For each product an end of life date and a possible successor can be defined. The exchange of products in the end customer shopping carts then takes place supported by our platform. Manual efforts are reduced to a minimum.

The right platform today as well as tomorrow
We are continuously developing our platform. To this end, we listen very carefully to feedback from our customers and partners. A next development will be the integration of a service calculator. This will further simplify the costing of services and help you standardize.