Workplace Templates
Workplace Enterprise helps you plan your IT smarter and more efficiently with workplace templates. Why start from scratch for every order? Complex IT workstations can be defined in advance and selected as templates for recurring orders. Save time searching, comparing and configuring individual components or complete IT workstations.
Define templates
A workstation template defines selectable items when creating an IT workstation. A typical job in the administrative department of a company is usually the same or very similar for every employee. Tie up basic packages or templates for your individual online store. The total costs of a workstation arise from articles stored in the basic package, which are visible to the employee These costs are deducted from the budget when ordering.

Define templates
A workstation template defines selectable items when creating an IT workstation. A typical job in the administrative department of a company is usually the same or very similar for every employee. Tie up basic packages or templates for your individual online store. The total costs of a workstation arise from articles stored in the basic package, which are visible to the employee These costs are deducted from the budget when ordering.
Define templates
A workstation template defines selectable items when creating an IT workstation. A typical job in the administrative department of a company is usually the same or very similar for every employee. Tie up basic packages or templates for your individual online store. The total costs of a workstation arise from articles stored in the basic package, which are visible to the employee These costs are deducted from the budget when ordering.
Why start from scratch?
Select from templates
For new orders or replacements, you simply select a previously defined template and automatically have the finished workstation in your shopping cart. Certain components for individual employees can still be changed after template selection (e.g. 27-inch monitor instead of 24 inches) In addition, you have the possibility to make individual adjustments in the shopping cart and to remove or exchange individual workstation components.
Why start from scratch?
Select from templates
For new orders or replacements, you simply select a previously defined template and automatically have the finished workstation in your shopping cart. Certain components for individual employees can still be changed after template selection (e.g. 27 inch monitor instead of 24 inch). In addition, you have the possibility to make individual adjustments in the shopping cart and to remove or exchange individual workstation components.
Why start from scratch?
Select from templates
For new orders or replacements, you simply select a previously defined template and automatically have the finished workstation in your shopping cart. Certain components for individual employees can still be changed after template selection (e.g. 27 inch monitor instead of 24 inch). In addition, you have the possibility to make individual adjustments in the shopping cart and to remove or exchange individual workstation components.
Cost transparency
Full price transparency per workstation
What are the costs per workstation in your company? IT departments in companies paint a very ambivalent picture: Some companies know to the penny how much a workstation costs per month – others have no price transparency at all. With Workplace Enterprise, you can visualize your IT costs per workstation / month and eliminate or modernize redundant or misused systems. With the TCO approach (Total Cost of Ownership), not only the acquisition costs are considered, but also costs for service & support over the entire useful life.
Cost transparency
Full price transparency per workstation
What are the costs per workstation in your company? IT departments in companies paint a very ambivalent picture: Some companies know to the penny exactly how much a workstation costs per month – others have no price transparency at all. With Workplace Enterprise, you can visualize your IT costs per workstation / month and eliminate or modernize redundant or missing systems. With the TCO approach (Total Cost of Ownership), not only the acquisition costs are considered, but also costs for service & support over the entire useful life.
Cost transparency
Full price transparency per workstation
What are the costs per workstation in your company? IT departments in companies paint a very ambivalent picture: Some companies know to the penny exactly how much a workstation costs per month – others have no price transparency at all. With Workplace Enterprise, you can visualize your IT costs per workstation / month and eliminate or modernize redundant or missing systems. With the TCO approach (Total Cost of Ownership), not only the acquisition costs are considered, but also costs for service & support over the entire useful life.